Here’s How This Man’s Wedding Was Ruined Due To Saba Qamar’s Controversy

Saba Qamar and Bilal Saeed were involved in a controversy of shooting a video in Wazir Khan mosque. However, both of them apologized from the public for hurting their sentiments.

This incident has affected many lives and many events which were going to happen in the mosque were cancelled by the authorities.

Assistant Commissioner Lahore, Mohammad Murtaza always dreamt of having a simple Nikkah ceremony at Wazir khan mosque.

He shared his story on Twitter and how due to Saba Qamar his life long dream of getting married was ruined.

Muhammad Murtaza wrote, “I don’t know Saba Qamar personally but she and Bilal Saeed have played a sad (and emotionally traumatizing) part in my life recently.”

He was about to get married at the Wazir Khan mosque in a simple manner however his Nikkah event was cancelled by the authorities because they didn’t want any controversy.

Here’s Muhammad Murtaza’s story:

The nikkah date was set
On Sunday morning after Fajar we would go to Wazir Khan Masjid and in accordance with the Sunnah of RasulAllah have our Nikkah

Her dress was ready
My clothes were pressed
The family photographer has coordinated everything
Guests were invited

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

The Plan: my dream early morning simple wedding at Wazir Khan mosque

The Problem: Saba Qamar decides to make a tiktok video in a mihrab of the mosque

The Result: The administion at Wazir Khan mosque cancelled permission for my nikkah

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

I was prettyyyyy devastated. All those weeks of careful planning and years of day-dreaming were being cancelled simply because a govt servant had been irresponsible in the execution of his duty and was now covering up traditional Pakistani style by banning everything illogically

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

Long story short:
At 10:30 AM, Sunday 18th Zilhaj, corresp. 9th August, 2020, in the same ghar ka lounge mentioned above, I said Qubool hai three times (So did the girl, which is more surprising)

I’m now officially a married man. Here’s a sneak peek in to the ceremony:

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

As the curtains parted and my eyes fell on my beautiful bride, in my head I pictured her against the frescoes of the Wazir Khan Mosque (her clothes were designed keeping that colour palette in mind)

Reminded me of Shakespeare’s utterance: So foul and fair a day I have not seen

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

In the end, Muhammad Murtaza requested that the ‘ban everything’ approach is not the solution. Authorities need to stop what is wrong and allow what is right.

On this happy occasion a public service message for public servants:
PLEASE STOP the “BAN EVERYTHING” approach. That’s not the solution.

As a govt and as administrators we need to be prudent, discerning and logical.

STOP what _should_ be stopped
Allow what is legal and halal

— Mohammad Murtaza (@Mutaraqqi) August 9, 2020

Well, Muhammad Murtaza’s story was sad yet he had a happy ending but still, we don’t know how many people got affected by this controversy. We wish him a happy married life ahead!