Govt and Internet Providers to Share Cost of Installing Social Media Blockers

Govt and Internet Providers to Share Cost of Installing Social Media Blockers

The federal government has decided to install advanced firewalls sourced from China to control social media content and block unwanted content from reaching a wider audience, sources told ProPakistani.

Both the federal government and local ISPs will each share the burden of paying for these firewalls. The government will cover part of the expenses while ISPs will pay the remaining fees. The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has mandated ISPs to block illegal content as per the terms of their operating licenses.

The firewalls, equipped with deep packet inspection (DPI) technology, will be installed by local internet service providers (ISPs). This was decided after extensive discussions between the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA), IT Ministry officials and local ISPs. Despite some resistance from the ISPs, PTA refused to budge.

The new system will be capable of blocking online content at the IP level instead of going through mobile apps.

PTA will oversee the installation and operation of these firewalls, ensuring they are used effectively to prevent the spread of illegal content and maintain national security.

Sources said these firewalls will critically analyze data application layers of up to the 7-Layer OSI model. This level of control would give the government free reign on how to identify and block specific propaganda points and IDs on social media platforms.

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