Popular Pakistani actress Madiha Imam has recently gotten married to her friend Moji Basar. After the marriage, the actress is currently exploring Dubai with her husband. Recently, Madiha Imam has been sharing new pictures with her husband from dinners or shopping. Well, Madiha Imam’s husband Moji Basar is an Indian according to the details shared by journalist Hassan Choudary.
Madiha Imam has recently told that she is friend of Moji Basar for quite sometime. She shares her her experience of visiting a bakery with husband last year. Madiha Imam also hinted at doing vlogging in future in an Instagram post. Here are the posts:
Madiha Imam also posted some new pictures on Instagram for her fans with husband. She gave an insight into the husband’s birthday which she celebrated last year. She posted her beautiful solo pictures as well. Have a look at a few recent pictures of Madiha.