Dania Shah is detained in Lodhran by the FIA Cyber Crime. Dania Malik, the third spouse of the late Dr. Aamir Liaquat, was detained for sharing his personal films and photos. The third wife of the late MNA and religious scholar Aamir Liaquat was detained by cybercriminals, according to the FIA Karachi, following an operation in the Punjabi district of Lodhran.
The accused was detained, according to FIA officials, because she posted a private video of her spouse Dr. Aamir Liaquat online. The deceased’s daughter filed a complaint against the accused, which was investigated, according to FIA officials. Her arrest has been making the rounds in the media. The news was also shown on Bol Television. The video’s URL is provided below.
Dania Malik’s mother cried while sharing the story of her daughter’s arrest. Have a look at the video:
Earlier, the FIA issued a warrant for Dania Malik’s arrest after a complaint was made against her for disclosing her husband’s personal videos. The public criticised Dania Malik for her immoral behaviour and defended the late televangelist Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain. Bushra Iqbal, the ex-wife of Dr. Aamir Liaquat Hussain, tweeted, “Allah Hu Akbar.”