What is Hina Altaf Doing These Days at Home?

What is Hina Altaf Doing These Days at Home?

These days when the world has taken a break from its normal routine, people have gotten a chance to implore another version of themselves by staying at home and doing different things than they usually used to do. Like all of us, our celebrities are too staying indoors to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and are pretty bored and locked down. Many celebrities have been sharing their new routine and activities with their fans and followers where some of them are enjoying family time with spouse and kids, some of them are simply utilizing their time in doing something productive, and guess what, Hina Altaf is kind of having a mixed plate on her credit.

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Hina Altaf has shared her pictures from the quarantine where she is found to be seeking help from the Almighty through praying and she has been sharing her pictures, wearing a dupatta.

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Hina is actually bored at home and trying hard to stay connected to the world out there through her social media platform and phone – Like all of us!

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Oh Yes, Who would like to play a Ludo now since Hina is already there in the Lobby?

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