Unseen Pictures of Nadia Hussain with Her Husband Atif Khan

Unseen Pictures of Nadia Hussain with Her Husband Atif Khan

Famous Model and Actress Nadia Hussain is well-known all over the entertainment industry and does not need any introduction. Nadia Hussain has also started her business as a beauty salon and is known for her styling and fashion ideas.

Many of us know much about her professional life but here comes a closer glimpse of her personal life. Nadia Hussain got married to Atif Khan in 2003 and is happily married to him since then. Atif is a stockbroker by profession. She is a loving mother of four children, two daughters Shanza and Shadal and two sons Sasha and Sherdad

Here are some unseen pictures of Nadia Hussain with her Husband. Have a look!

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