Posted inEntertainment
Asim Jofa Designs Protective Gear For Doctors & Medical Staff
Coronavirus has claimed around 31000 lives around the world and is rapidly spreading in Pakistan. The number of cases in the country have closed around 1560 with 14 deaths all over. Doctors and medical staff have been fighting the battle at the frontline, risking their own lives and helping patients suffering from this deadly virus around the world.
While fighting at such close proximity with a virus that is highly contagious, its a sham that Pakistani doctors haven’t been provided with apt medical protective suits that allows them to keep their ownselves safe. Although aid has been arriving in the shape of protective suits and masks for the medical staff, there is still a shortage in the country.
In such a situation, it is commendable that Pakistanis with a reach and influence are taking steps to curb the shortage of medical protective suits for the doctors and nurses fighting on the front line with COVID19.
Asim Jofa, a popular designer and fashion brand in Pakistan, has announced..