Sharmila Faruqi Sharing Her Secret Baking Recipe

Sharmila Faruqi Sharing Her Secret Baking Recipe

The coronavirus is rapidly spreading all over the world and several people are dying because of it. It all started from China and luckily, they got control over it. But American, Italy, Spain, and many other major countries are facing this deadly disease. There is no cure or solution to stop the virus except maintaining social distancing and keeping yourself clean.


During Isolation, Pakistani celebrities are sharing their videos over social media to motivate their fans and followers. Some are painting their imagination on canvas while others are keeping their kids busy with art and craft activities. Saba Faisal seems to be busy with home chores while Sharmila Faruqi is sharing her secret baking recipes.


A video went viral over the internet where she taught her viewers how to make apple banana oatmeal muffins. They are healthy and full of nutrients that are good for growing kids. All you need is some oil, banana, apple, eggs, honey, whole grain wheat flour, all-purpose flour, and some almonds and walnuts to make delicious yet healthy muffins. They taste good with coffee or tea.


Have a look at the whole video to know the step by step process. That’s how Sharmila Faruqi is spending her quarantine days. What are you all up to? Share with us in the comments section below.

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