Poultry Association Rejects Rumors of Chickens Affected by Coronavirus

Pakistan Poultry Association (PPA) has categorically denounced the rumors of chickens carrying coronavirus doing rounds on social media platforms.

In a news conference in Lahore, PPA members termed the rumors false and baseless and declared them as deliberate and malicious propaganda against the organization.

Vice-Chairman PPA Northern region, Chaudhry Fargham, said that COVID-19 has not been detected in any chicken products in any part of the country. There is no evidence which links chicken to coronavirus transmission in human beings anywhere in the world.

All the rumors being spread or circulated on social media in this regard are absolutely wrong and baseless. The chicken lovers may continue to consume chicken meat without any fear.

Fargham added that the Ministry of National Food Security and Research (Livestock Wing) and Poultry Research Institute Punjab have rebutted the rumors through official notifications as well.

Since 1962, Pakistan’s poultry industry has been providing affordable chicken products to the citizens. The industry has also employed thousands and generated millions in revenue over the years. The poultry industry is one of the most organized sectors of the agro-based industry of Pakistan, concluded Fargham.

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