Saboor Ali Revealed Her Artistic Mood

Saboor Ali Revealed Her Artistic Mood

Coronavirus has locked everyone inside their homes. It all started in China and now all major countries are facing this deadly virus. Scientists are trying hard to find the cure, but unfortunately, they couldn’t find any solution. Coronavirus is spreading rapidly in Pakistan. The government has locked down the country to handle the situation.


People are spending their days in quarantine, while Saboor Aly has been expressing her artistic side at her home. She kept herself busy with the things she loves to do. She loved to paint her imagination on canvas, but because of a busy work schedule, she couldn’t do it regularly. Saboor Aly decided to reconnect with her talent. She shared pictures of her painting on official Instagram and it’s amazingly beautiful.

Saboor 3

“I was scared to hold a brush after a decade but few things just need a connection.” Saboor is absolutely right, some things are God-gifted and they just need time to improve.


Have a look at Saboor’s artistic side.




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