Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial “Faryad”

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial “Faryad”

The very talented and versatile Pakistani actor Zahid Ahmed was recently spotted in an interview with “Something Haute”.


Zahid talking about his recent project ‘Faryad’ mentioned that “In drama serial Faryad the base was the character not the story. You can’t hold the best of both, the story and character in every play, we just can’t. It is not possible to have the best story and best character for yourself in every play.”


Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"


“In Faryad I focused on this one fact that this guy is a disaster himself. He has no moral compass what so ever. I have played several twisted characters before but those characters twisted for a reason and this guy in Faryad has no reason”, he added.

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"


Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Further Zahid said that “The message this serial will give to the audience is that upbringing of a child is a very important thing and if it goes wrong then there is very little damage control you can do.”

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"


Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"

Zahid Ahmed Talks About His Recent Drama Serial "Faryad"