Things Meera Ji Likes To Do in her Free Time

Meera is one of the most well-known actors of the Pakistani film industry and has been around for as long as we can remember. Meera is famous for her performances in movies and TV commercials. Her name is known to a wide range of audiences of all generations. Whether it is the adult age group or the youth, everyone is familiar with Meera Ji. This wide recognition can be attributed to the fact that Meera did not stop, neither did she lose her fame, she kept working on projects every now and then to make sure we don’t forget her. One of her most recent projects was the movie “Baaji” where she starred alongside Amna Ilyas and Osman Khalid Butt.

We all know about Meera’s on the screen life, the question that arises is what does the Baaji actor do when not performing in front of the camera? Well, we have the answer to your curiosity. We have gathered twenty-five photos of things Meera likes to do. It appears that she likes to travel and spend time partying with her friends or calling her buddies who are miles away. If she is not busy doing that, you will see her attending award shows or maybe just reading a book!