Best Parents In Recent Pakistani Dramas

The supporting characters in dramas play an important role in keeping the viewers engaged. If the leading characters do not have a real relationship with these supporting characters than the entire drama loses its appeal. The parents of the leading characters in Pakistani dramas play a pivotal role. Sometimes these parents are the ones driving the story forward in some of or the other. Their choices and personalities reflect upon that of their children. It is so important that these relationships and characters should be shown on screen in such a way that their scenes make the viewers feel whatever they are going through.

Dramas at the end of the day are a depiction of reality and in real life, parents play an important role in the lives of the children. Those dramas in which this relationship between the parents and children is well-established are always the ones people look forward to the most. We get to watch all kinds of parents in Pakistani dramas, those who are a bad influence, others who just look the other way, some who disappear when the need arises, and then there are those who are the reflection of what parenthood is all about. It won’t be wrong to say that these characters also give inspiration to other parents.

Here is the list of some of the best parents in recent Pakistani dramas.

Anaya’s Parents In Sabaat

Anaya’s parents in Sabaat are open-minded, friendly, and extremely loving. They trust their daughter and make sure that they are always there by her side. Even when some of the decisions which Anaya took hurt her parents, they did not ridicule her or hold her responsible like we see in other dramas. When Hasan’s father insults Anaya’s parents, the entire situation was shown beautifully. The parents realized that this was not Anaya’s fault and instead of creating a situation that would have been run-of-the-mill, they decided to celebrate Anaya’s success instead. They are shown looking out for their daughter and wanting the best for her instead of satisfying their own egos.

The most important thing which makes them the best is that they trust Anaya. When she decided eventually that she wanted to get married to Hasan, even with all their fears, they supported her while making sure that she was well aware of the problems she was putting herself in. Anaya’s scenes with her parents have been written down and presented on screen so wonderfully that viewers actually look forward to them.

Apart from the relationship they have with their daughter, their relationship with each other is also special. They are shown supporting each other just as much as they support their daughter. It is such a refreshing change to watch such a family in a drama that is so balanced and friendly. Syed Muhammad Ahmed, Seemi Raheel, and Mawra Hocane’s performances obviously add to the beauty of this relationship.

Saad’s Parents In Ehd-e-Wafa

Saad’s parents in Ehd-e-Wafa were definitely a one-of-a-kind as well. Unlike Anaya, Saad wasn’t always the ‘perfect’ son therefore the viewers got to watch many ups and downs in his relationship with his father especially. In the beginning few episodes, his father appeared to be more strict. Gradually as the story progresses, the viewers realized why he was rather distant and expected more from his son. It was eventually this pressure from his father to do well which enabled Saad to achieve the best. Saad’s father was also the best role model, a man who believed in hard work. Once his son achieved the position he always expected him to, he lifted up his spirits. It was such a good way of showing that sometimes parents need to be tough with their children in order to bring out the best in them.

The scenes in which Saad and his father were seen bonding were some of the most heart-warming scenes from the drama. A father-son relationship has never been this endearing and emotional as this one. Saad’s mother was another exemplary female character we saw in dramas recently. She was a wise mother who shared a special bond with her son. While Saad’s relationship with his father was somewhat formal, his relationship with his mother was more friendly.

This mother-son relationship emphasized the importance of being good friends with your children. There were so many times when Saad turned to his mother for advice and she showed him the way in the most polite and non-judgmental way. She was always understanding and open-minded. Both these parents were the perfect example of how important it is to respect your children but at the same time guide them in the right direction when necessary. Saad’s parents played a major role in shaping up his personality and decisions yet they never came across as one of those parents who hamper the growth of their children. In fact, they helped him in so many ways and without them, Saad wouldn’t have a strong personality and the successful career he had. Faraz Inam, Vaneeza Ahmed, and Ahad Raza Mir’s on-screen chemistry and impeccable performances definitely added more value to their scenes.

Dua’s Parents In Ehd-e-Wafa

Dua was another central character in Ehd-e-Wafa played by Alizeh Shah. Although Dua and her parents’ actual track got more screen time a little later in the drama once it took off, it turned out to be the most refreshing and positive aspect of the drama. Dua’s relationship with her parents was even more inspiring because she was their adoptive daughter. Dua’s father passed away but their last few scenes together highlighted how much faith her father had in her. Dua’s father stood by her when she decided to tell her Taya off for asking for holding Dua accountable for being seen with someone. The resulting conversation between Dua and her father was meaningful and emotional. This conversation was enough to explain the reason behind Dua’s confident personality.

Dua’s relationship with her mother grew stronger after her father passed away. When her mother informed her that she was adopted, Dua’s response made for one of the most emotional scenes in the play. Her mother also decided to live independently in order to break free from the pressures they were both facing. She took a bold decision not just for herself but also for her daughter. Dua’s parents were wise, strong, and had foresight which helped them make some of the best decisions. This was an excellent way of showing the viewers how daughters should be raised. It is so important to give your child the space to grow as an individual and guide them in the right direction.

Hajra’s Father In Inkaar

Inkaar was a powerful drama, the story of which was inspired by a real-life story. The drama overall had its ups and downs but one thing which remained constant was the beautiful manner in which Hajra’s relationship with her father was shown. Hajra’s character went through so many difficult situations yet even with all his fears her father stood right by her side like a rock till the very end.

The writer had written their track so well that the relationship they shared continued to be the most poignant aspect of every episode. Hajra’s father’s kind and open-minded approach was highlight right from the beginning. Besides that their friendship was also the best part of their track. Rehan Sheikh did tremendously well portraying this character on screen. He brought out the warmth and vulnerabilities of his character impeccably on screen.

Right till the end, Hajra’s father’s main focus was the happiness and well-being of his daughter. He forgave her for her mistakes and unlike many other fathers we see in dramas he did not give in to the societal pressure. It was definitely the kind of character we need to see on screen more often since it went to show just how strong a girl can be if her father has unconditional faith in her. Yumna Zaidi and Rehan Sheikh’s undeniable on-screen chemistry made this father-daughter duo even more lovable.

Nimra’s Father In Baba Jani

As the title of the drama suggests, Baba Jani was mostly about the responsibility of being a father and balancing other relationships along the way. Nimra played by Madiha Imam was the step-daughter of Asfand, Baba Jani played by Faysal Qureshi. Baba Jani’s character was one of the most positive male characters in general and fatherly figures in Pakistani dramas which we have seen recently. Nimra’s father always treated her like his own daughter, put her feelings before everything else without giving what anyone else thought any consideration.

It was Madiha Imam and Faysal Qureshi’s magical on-screen chemistry that made their relationship come alive on the screen even more convincingly. Asfand’s wisdom, the sense of responsibility and the way he sheltered his step-daughter till the end made him one of the best fathers. He was different from most of the parents on this list since his daughter wasn’t in his life from birth. Even though their bond was formed later on but it became one of the most memorable ones. There were so many times when Nimra tested his patience but he never let anything she did or say distract him from the promise he made to Nimra’s mother and most importantly himself.

It wasn’t just this promise which made him protect Nimra as his own daughter but it was also the love he felt for her since he truly accepted her as his own daughter. Faysal Qureshi added grace and finesse to his character.

Which were some of your favorite parents from recent Pakistani dramas? Please share your feelings about it.