Pakistani Auto Parts Manufacturers Offer to Manufacture Ventilators

In a commendable step, the Pakistan Association of Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers (Paapam) has offered its manufacturing capabilities as well as know-how to develop medical equipment locally.

PAAPAM, in a letter forwarded to the Engineering Development Board, said that it would like to offer help keeping in view the spread of the virus and need of ventilators across the country. The body has also lauded the efforts of the government and its steps to deal with the situation such as relaxing duty and import duty on the import of medical equipment and other goods.


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The letter said, “We heard about the request from various government forums to explore the possibility of manufacturing vital medical equipment like ventilators in Pakistan. The list of other imported medical items is long and the manufacturing of these goods will be considered keeping in view the population of the country and the import bill.”

PAAPAM added that it was ready to lend aid in meeting the health-related hurdles head-on that the country faced. The letter added,

The Engineering Development Board, being the entity which looks after us, is assured of our fullest cooperation in the ongoing efforts for the development and manufacturing of medical equipment and items.


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We’ve seen auto manufacturers from other countries help out their countries while making a profit. However, none of the big auto companies from Pakistan have done the same. PAAPAM’s offer is an appreciable step that will push carmakers to also offer their assistance on the matter.

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