Students Launch Protest Against HEC Demanding Fee Reduction & Exam Cancellation

Students on Wednesday gathered outside the office of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Islamabad, demanding full semester fees to be waived off and exams to be canceled.

Students protesting on the roads believe that online classes are not productive enough to prepare for exams and demanded promotion to the next semester without examinations.

Students protest in front of HEC Islamabad today for #NoSemesterFees #Protest_InfrontOfHEC

— Engr. Aadi Malik (@EngrTAadilHamid) June 3, 2020


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Students all over the country are voicing their concerns through social media or other channels. They believe that universities are minting money in the name of online classes and offering nothing in return for hefty semester fees.

Shiraz and other protesting students have emphasized that due to the lockdown they are not working and cannot pay fees; also as many students don’t have access to the internet they are unable to attend online classes.

Universities are demanding a full semester fee which is completely unfair and immoral. It is not just a piece of cake for everyone to bear the financial burden of their academics as some do part-time jobs/ home tuitions/more than one job at a time to pay off their expenses.

— Aswad Shiraz (@aswadshiraz) June 1, 2020


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Some students asked to reduce their fees by 50% as university fee covers all the student services and facilities such as clubs and societies and campus facilities which have not been utilized since educational institutions were closed.

The government had closed all universities in February as a precautionary measure against coronavirus. Following this, educational institutions resorted to online classes, but standards of online classes have widely attracted criticism and have failed to gain students’ trust.

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