Situation Report: 4,896 New Cases and 68 Deaths Reported in 24 Hours

Situation Report: 4,896 New Cases and 68 Deaths Reported in 24 Hours

Pakistan saw its highest single-day rise in new coronavirus cases for the fourth consecutive day as testing ramped up across all regions in the country.

With a total of 22,857 tests, up by around 12% from previous day, a total of 4,896 new positive cases emerged in Pakistan, taking the tally in the country to 89,249.

The growth in new cases, when compared day to day, remained the lowest in four days, indicating that the new cases won’t jump significantly in coming days; and especially if testing capacity isn’t increased again.

Of new cases, 2,040 patients were tested positive in Punjab only, and of those in Punjab almost half were from Lahore.

Sindh reported 1,667 new cases in past 24 hours.

KP and Islamabad also registered a record increase in new cases with 517 and 402 patients yesterday.

Coronavirus cases in Islamabad have been high, mainly due to very high testing in the city (as compared of rest of the Pakistan).

For a reference, 24 individuals out of every 1,000 population are tested in Islamabad, as compared 2-4 individual per 1,000 being tested in all provinces

For more on this comparison, check below table:

Cases Deaths Death Rate (Cases/Deaths) Deaths Per Million Pop Tests Tests Per 1,000
AJK 299 7 2.34 1.73 7,592 1.87
Balochistan 5,528 53 0.95 4.29 28,099 2.27
GB 852 12 1.40 6.31 9,643 5.07
Islamabad 3,946 41 1.03 20.5 48,546 24.27
KP 11,890 521 4.38 17.0 68,982 2.26
Punjab 33,144 629 1.89 5.71 267,004 2.42
Sindh 33,536 575 1.71 12.00 208,483 4.35
Total 89,249 1838 2.05 8.80 638,349 3.06

Here’s are the highlights:

  • Highest tests per 1,000 population: Islamabad
  • Highest death rate: KP
  • Highest deaths per million: Islamabad

More from yesterday, below is the table and graphs:

Confirmed Cases In 24 Hours Tests in 24 Hours Deaths Last 24 Hours
AJK 299 14 798 07 00
Balochistan 5,528 228 326 53 02
GB 852 28 206 12 00
Islamabad 3,946 402 (Record) 2,786 (Record) 41 03
KP 11,890 517 (Record) 2,601 (Record) 521 21
Punjab 33,144 2,040 (Record) 7,750 (Record) 629 22
Sindh 33,536 1,667 8,390 (Record) 575 20
Total 89,249 4,896 (Record) 22,857 (Record) 1,838

Drop in hospitalizations occurred when Punjab started rating isolated patients at government facilities as quarantined and not hospitalized.

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