
Sindh’s New Policy: No More 60-Day Deadline for Vehicle Registration

The Sindh government has proposed a major revision to the car registration legislation to improve traffic safety and attention to regulations. The province would no longer let automobiles run without registration, ending the existing 60-day window for registration following purchase, according to a statement made by Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon.

According to the new rule, all vehicles must be registered before they leave the dealership or enter the nation. Memon said that the purpose of this amendment is to stop the misuse of ‘Applied For’ number plates, which has been a common practice that has permitted unregistered vehicles to be driven lawfully during the registration period.

The new regulations require imported cars entering Karachi’s seaport to register there right away if they want to stay in Sindh. Those going to other provinces won’t be driven on Sindh roads until they are registered, and they will be transported via carriers.

The government also intends to implement severe penalties for non-compliance, including a planned penalty of Rs. 1 million for violators. This action is part of a larger initiative to improve vehicle tracking and ensure every car on Sindh’s road meets regulatory standards.

It is anticipated that the revision to the Motor Vehicles Ordinance 1965 will be submitted at the upcoming cabinet meeting and that it will pass with broad support and minimal resistance. The Sindh government’s dedication to establishing safer and more controlled traffic conditions throughout the province is demonstrated by this change.

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