
Shafqat Mahmood Announces Decision on Entry Tests for Admissions in Universities

The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training decided on Wednesday to allow all the students to take the E-CAT/engineering examination to get admission in universities.

The Federal Minister for Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood, chaired a meeting on Wednesday in which it was unanimously decided that the students who had either taken or will appear in the FSc./O-Levels examinations will be permitted to take the E-CAT/Engineering examinations to ensure their timely admissions in engineering universities.


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High officials from the Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC), the Higher Education Commission (HEC), and the Vice-Chancellors of the Engineering Universities attended the meeting.


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The attendees discussed various possibilities including the option to save the academic year of the students who had been affected by COVID-19, and allowing A2 students of the Cambridge stream whose results are expected in January to take the examinations by awarding them a provisional admission conditional with their final examinations and results.

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