PM Imran Khan Fires Senior FBR Official For Illegally Approving Rs. 58 Million Income Tax Refunds

Prime Minister Imran Khan has dismissed from services a senior Inland Revenue official (Grade-20) of the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) for illegally approving income tax refunds of Rs. 58,606,508 to a company without fulfilment of laid down rules and regulations.

In this regard, the FBR has issued a notification ((Dismissal from Service) here on Thursday against the Director (Enforcement), FBR (HQ), Islamabad.

Under the notification, the disciplinary proceedings were initiated against Director (Enforcement), FBR (HQ), Islamabad under Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973, on account of “Inefficiency”, “Misconduct” and “Corruption”.


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Asim Ahmad (IRS/BS-21), the then Director-General, Directorate General of Intelligence and Investigation (IR), Islamabad was appointed as Inquiry Officer who submitted the inquiry report on April 22, 2020. The Inquiry Officer concluded that Rajabuddin (IRS/BS-20) approved and authorized the issuance of legally inadmissible Income Tax refunds in indecent haste in the case of M/s Digicom Trading (Pvt) Limited (NTN: 3412455-1), amounting to Rs. 58,606,508/-, ignoring patent information on law/rules, in connivance with his subordinates, in spite of the fact that the condition for opting out of “Presumptive Tax Regime” was not met.

Hence, the officer caused a massive loss of revenue to the exchequer. He issued permission for revision of return of Income for the Tax Year 2013 in terms of section 114(6)(a) of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 on an incomplete and invalid return of M/s Digicom Trading Company (Pvt) Limited.


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The Authorized Officer, Mathar Niaz Rana (PAS/BS-22), the then Secretary, Ministry of Planning, Development and Special Initiatives issued a Show Cause Notice on 27.01.2021 to the accused officer, who submitted a reply on Feb 03, 2021, and denied the charges leveled against him and sought an opportunity of personal hearing. Accordingly, the Authorized Officer provided him an opportunity for a personal hearing on March 17, 2021.

The Authorized Officer, after examining the facts of the case and the defense of the accused officer, including a reply to the Show Cause Notice and observations/findings of the inquiry report, agreed with the findings and recommendations of the Inquiry Officer who established charges against the accused officer.

The Authorized Officer observed that the charges are of serious nature, therefore, he has recommended imposition of Major Penalty of “Dismissal from Service” under Rule 4(1)(b)(iv) of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 upon Rajabuddin.

The Authorized Officer forwarded the case to the Authority i.e. Prime Minister in terms of Rule 5(1)(iv) of the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973.


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In view of recommendations of the Authorized Officer, the Prime Minister, being the Authority under the Government Servants (Efficiency & Discipline) Rules, 1973 has decided to impose the Major Penalty of “Dismissal from Service” upon Rajabuddin (IRS/BS-20) in terms of Rule 5(1)(iv) read with Rule 4(1)(b)(iv) of the Rules ibid. 5.

Mr. Rajabuddin (IRS/BS-20) shall have the right to appeal to the Appellate Authority under Civil Servants (Appeals) Rules, 1977 within a period of 30 days from the date of communication of these notifications, FBR notification added.

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