
Pakistan’s Mashal Aamir Wins UK’s Prestigious Lady Diana Award

A woman from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has made Pakistan proud by winning the Lady Diana Award. Mashal Aamir was awarded the UK’s Lady Diana Award for her services for humanity and participation in welfare activities.

With this achievement, Mashal has been included in the list of 300 people from around the world to receive the Lady Diana Award.


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This young woman has not limited her welfare efforts to just Pakistan. Besides Pakistan, she has participated in welfare activities in South Korea and the United States.

In Pakistan, her efforts include the betterment of the children of Army Public School, Peshawar, after the harrowing terrorist attack on December 16, 2014.

She has also served women at the Pak-Afghan border.


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Mashal Aamir has already been included in Scotland’s (UK) 30 most influential youths.

While she has established her identity in the social welfare field, her educational background is in law, as she has recently received a law degree from Cambridge University.

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