
Pakistan Has 100,000 More Donkeys Than Last Year: Economic Survey

The population of donkeys in Pakistan has increased by 100,000 (275 a day) from 5.8 million to 5.9 million in the outgoing fiscal year, according to the Pakistan Economic Survey 2023-24 released on Tuesday.

Cattle population has increased by 2 million to 57.5 million in FY24, buffalos by 1.3 million, sheep 400,000 and goats 2.3 million.

The population of camels was up by 100,000 from 1.1 million in FY23 to 1.2 million in the current fiscal year. Meanwhile, horses saw an increase of 400,000 during the period in review.

The survey added that the livestock sector contributes 35-40 percent of families’ income. It comprises approximately 60.84 percent of the agricultural value added and 14.63 percent of the national GDP during FY2024.

The gross value addition of the livestock sector has shown an increase, rising to Rs 5,804 billion in 2023-24 from Rs 5,587 billion in 2022-23, marking a growth rate of 3.9 percent. Moreover, the sector’s net foreign exchange earnings make a meaningful contribution, accounting for approximately 1.6 percent of the total exports in the country.

The government has recognized the inherent potential of the livestock sector for economic growth, food security, and poverty alleviation in the country and has accordingly focused on its development. The overall strategy for livestock development revolves around promoting “private sector-led development with the public sector providing an enabling environment through policy interventions.”

The post Pakistan Has 100,000 More Donkeys Than Last Year: Economic Survey appeared first on ProPakistani.


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