May 2024 Was the Driest in 63 Years

May 2024 Was the Driest in 63 Years

Pakistan Meteorological Department’s (PMD) data has revealed that the country experienced 66% below average rainfall in May.

This made the month of May the second driest one since 1961. It is pertinent to mention that last month’s average rainfall was 5mm.

Kakul in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa saw the highest single-day rainfall of 56.0mm on May 13, 2024. Over the entire month, Kakul recorded the highest total rainfall, reaching 63.0mm.

In May 2024, Pakistan experienced a national mean monthly temperature of 30.44°C, marking a deviation of 1.50°C from the average of 28.94°C.

During the daytime, the maximum temperature averaged 38.33°C, indicating an anomaly of +2.07°C compared to the typical 36.26°C.

Meanwhile, the nighttime minimum temperature stood at 22.49°C, which was 1.37°C higher than the usual 21.12°C.

In May 2024, the hottest day was recorded in Mohenjo-Daro, Sindh, where the maximum temperature soared to 52.5°C on May 26th. Jacobabad retained its status as the warmest place throughout May 2024, with a mean monthly maximum temperature of 46.7°C.

Kalam in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa experienced the coldest night temperature of -1.5°C on May 1st. This corresponded with its position as the coolest place for the month, with a mean monthly minimum temperature of 6.8°C.

The post May 2024 Was the Driest in 63 Years appeared first on ProPakistani.