
Govt Excludes Budgetary Support From IMF, Saudi Arabia In New Budget

The federal government hasn’t factored in any budgetary support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Saudi Arabia in the upcoming fiscal year.

A total of Rs. 5.906 trillion is budgeted from external resources for 2024-25 compared to the revised estimates of Rs. 5.035 trillion in the outgoing fiscal year – a rise of 17 percent and almost 18 percent lower than the budgeted Rs. 7.169 trillion for the outgoing fiscal year.

According to the Finance Bill 2024, this includes Rs. 1.144 trillion borrowing from commercial banks abroad against Rs. 1.305 trillion for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs. 285 billion. However, as per Economic Affairs Division (EAD) data, no money was received under this head till April end.

The government has budgeted Rs. 323.266 billion under project loans for 2024-25 compared to Rs. 68.311 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs. 290.644 billion.

Under the head of program loans, the government has budgeted external assistance of Rs. 277.890 billion for 2024-25 compared to Rs. 788.170 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised downward to Rs. 373.457 billion.

The government has budgeted no assistance under the head of Saudi Arabia (oil facility) for the next fiscal year. Further, no amount has been budgeted from Saudi Arabia (Time Deposit) for 2024-25 compared to Rs. 870 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs. 570 billion.

Further no amount has been budgeted from Saudi Arabia (import of petrol) compared to Rs. 174 billion budgeted for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs. 171 billion.  However, Rs. 1.475 trillion has been budgeted from the KSA time deposit against Rs. 580 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs 1.425 trillion. Further, the government has budgeted no amount under the head of New Deposit UAE for 2024-25 compared to Rs. 290 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised to zero.

The government has budgeted no amount from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for budgetary support for the next fiscal year 2024-25 against Rs. 696 billion budgeted for the current fiscal year which was later revised to zero.

The government has budgeted Rs. 1.180 trillion from Safe deposit for 2024-25 against Rs. 1.160 trillion for 2023-24 which was revised to Rs 1.140 trillion. The government has budgeted Rs. 295 billion from Euro bond for 2024-25 against Rs. 435 billion for 2023-24 which was later revised to zero. Further Rs. 137.145 billion has been budgeted from Naya Pakistan Certificate for 2024-25 against zero for 2023-24 which was later revised to Rs. 134.235 billion.

The post Govt Excludes Budgetary Support From IMF, Saudi Arabia In New Budget appeared first on ProPakistani.


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