
Dust Storm In Karachi Damages UBL Head Office [Video]

Dust storms and rain hit numerous parts of Karachi after several days of high temperature.

Besides nature shedding some of its load on the open skyline of the port city, a spine-tingling window of horror ensued after the UBL head office took some damage when the storm intensified.


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The storm proved to be too much for the windowpanes of the majestic UBL building as they started breaking off. The following video shows the exact moment when this happened:

Many netizens stormed on Twitter with their take on the incident, with many posting videos of debris falling down on parked cars below from the top of the building.

While some commented that the architect and builder be jailed for their apparent failure to construct a stormproof building, others argued that “when nature does its thing, stand still”.


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