
Daraz Develops a Sustainable Model to Improve Its Ecosystem

Daraz takes another step in improving the environment and promoting sustainability by installing solar energy panels at their Lahore warehouse facility. The initiative is estimated to reduce the carbon footprint by 104 metric tons and is equivalent to planting 176 trees annually, emitting no greenhouse gases.

Ahmed Tanveer, Chief Operations Officer at Daraz said, “Pakistan is among the top 10 countries that are most impacted by climate change, a lot of efforts are happening at national level in order to change this situation and already we can see some results as we have descended from 5th to 8th in the recent ranking.”

“We as Daraz also feel responsible to play our part in improving this situation and have set an objective for ourselves to reduce the carbon footprint, this project alone will help us reduce it by 104 metric tons/annum and would be equivalent to planting 176 trees annually. This hopefully is one of many sustainability projects that we are going to execute in coming years,” he added.

The increase in environmental pollution has raised some alarming concerns over the increasing population. The demand has focused multiple corporates’ attention to creating sustainable energy supply, which implies optimized use of energy and reduction in the use of liquid energy i.e. petrol and diesel. With the core purpose of uplifting communities, Daraz has taken the responsibility to reduce its carbon footprint.

Programs like “Clean and Green” Pakistan have been launched for the restoration of the ecosystem. High population growth has been a serious threat to the country’s economic and environmental sustainability. Daraz aims to move all its facilities towards solar energy and this initiative will have a great impact in creating a sustainable ecosystem.


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