
Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

Yasir Hussain is a family man. Coming from a big family with 10 siblings, he was always artistic and understood the imprtance of family bonding and sicking together through thick and thin. He was very close to both hisvfather and his mother and heir teachings still rule how Yasir lives his life. Yasir spoke about his parents in an interview with Noor ul Hassan and shared some important things.

Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

Yasir revealed that his father had cancer and it has metastasized all over his body. He was in a lot of pain for 9 months and they used to hear him all day. Yasir said that when his father passed away, a part of him felt relieved that his father was finally not in pain anymore. He still remebers him everyday and his afther is one of the most important parts of his life.

Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

This is what Yasir shared:

Yasir opined that Pakistanis are generally not very expressive with their parents as you get into financial struggle as soon as you grow up. You want to support your family and therefore the love somewhat goes into the background. This is what Yasir thinks:

Yasir also shared how families change once parents pass away. They keep all the children together in a manner and when they pass away, that tread breaks, the balance gets disturbed and things do not remain like they were when the parents are alive.

Yasir Hussain On How Life Changes When You Lose Your Parents

Listen to Yasir:


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