
Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

The curious case of Dua Zehra vs her father Mehdi Kazmi has jolted the nation with its twists and turns. Since the day Dua disappeared from her house in April to her resurfacing as a married girl to 21 year old Zaheer Ahmed and the legal battle between Dua and her parents, things have been strange and curious.

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Sindh High Court has previously admitted Dua’s marriage to be legal and permitted her to go live with her husband. A medical examination was done on the behest of Sindh High Court’s orders to determine Dua’s age which turned out to be 17 years old. Her age according to official documentation is however, 14 years old. Dua’s father had approached the Supreme Court of Pakistan to get his daughter back.

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court bench consisting of three members today reserved the verdict before they gave remarks that no one but a girl can challenge a marriage in the court of law. Not even her father has the right to do it. They asked Mehdi Kazmi what he wanted. He replied that he wants Sindh High Court verdict overturned and his daughter back living with him.

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Just before the verdict could be announced, Mehdi Kazmi’s lawyer withdrew their petition. The Supreme Court has however, said that this case does not fall in their ambit and the medical board which determined Dua’s age should be challenged in Sindh High Court. The case was wrapped up and Dua is allowed to live with her parents or husband and she has been given the choice.

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Listen to final verdict by Supreme Court:

Public opinion is again divided after the verdict:

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

Jibran Nasir has also shared the future course that would be taken by Dua’s father:

Supreme Court Gives Final Verdict On Dua Zehra Case

He talked to the media also explaining the whole situation:


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