
Sohail Ahmed Takes Aftab Iqbal To Cleaners

Aftab Iqbal has been conducting his shows on several channels and platforms for years now and people have followed his journey throughout. He is known for his love of linguistics, politics and culture. He conducts his shows alongside several comedians but he has had several problems with the comedians who have worked on his show and many a times things have gone public.

Sohail Ahmed Takes Aftab Iqbal To Cleaners

Aftab Iqbal started his show alongside Sohail Ahmed a few years back. Sohail Ahmed is a legendary actor who has given countless memorable performances in his decades-long career. He has shown the world every time he comes on screen what he is made of and that is what he did as Azizi in the show Hasb e Haal. Sohail Ahmed was a guest on Ahmed Ali Butt’s podcast and he was very open about the controversy between Aftab Iqbal and other comedians Aftab worked with.

Sohail Ahmed Takes Aftab Iqbal To Cleaners

He said that he thinks of Aftab Iqbal as a younger brother and he would like to advise him to be humble. He said Aftab needs to understand that you do not run a show alone and you need to respect your whole team. He addressed a few claims that Aftab iqbal has made from time to time and said that he was a star way before joining Hasb e Haal but he still respects the team he works with and always puts in his 100%. Therefore, Aftab needs to understand that you cannot be disrespectful and a know it all if you want to be respected in return.

Sohail Ahmed Takes Aftab Iqbal To Cleaners

This is what he shared:


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