Sheheryar Munawar is an excellent Pakistani actor, producer and filmmaker. He got recognition through Hum TV’s hit drama serial Zindagi Gulzar Hai. His other notable dramas are Mere Dard Ko Jo Zuban Miley, Tanhaiyan Naye Silsilay, Kahi Un Kahi, Asmanon Pe Likha, Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Pehli Si Mohabbat, Kuch An Kahi and Radd. Sheheryar Munawar is recently getting praise for his character Rahim in ARY Digital’s drama serial Aye Ishq E Junoon.
The brilliant Sheheryar Munawar has recently gotten married to the brilliant Pakistani actor Maheen Siddiqui who is known for the dramas like Dooriyaan, Agar and Dobara. The actor has finally taken his bride home and has also shared a beautiful Barat photoshoot. He wrote, “Dulhan Hum Le Aye – We brought the bride home. Barat”. Here we have gathered the stunning pictures from the photoshoot: