
Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

Shaista Lodhi and Ayesha Omar are two very successful women of Pakistan. They made careers in hosting and acting respectively and did not stop there. They are also successful businesswomen and have their own brands which are running in a great manner. Shaista and Ayesha have also very strong views about life and they are big on women empowerment. They always share their examples and tell women to become more self-sufficient.

Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

Ayesha Omar just interviewed Shaista Lodhi on her show and they both spoke about how women at times feel very helpless and they end up blaming the men in their lives for their condition. Shaista shared that her mother will still blame her father for something that she was not able to do or Ayesha’s mother has issues with her extended family who treated her in a wrong way in difficult times.

Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

Both the starlets then advised women to stop blaming men in their lives. They should just work on their own betterment and start making decisions for themselves. They said that women should not blame men for their condition as you have to take a stand for yourself and no man will be responsible to do it for you.

Shaista Lodhi & Ayesha Omar Want Women To Stop Blaming Men

This is what they said:


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