Yesterday, the Nikah ceremony of ace Pakistani bowler Shaheen Shah Afridi happened in Karachi. He got married to the daughter of Shahid Afridi. The pictures of Nikah went viral on social media. Fans shared the pictures of the event.
Today, Shaheen Shah Afridi posted a note on his official Instagram in which he shows his anger with his fans on invading his privacy, He wrote, “It’s very disappointing that despite many repeated requests, our privacy was hurt and people kept on sharing it further without any guilt. I would like to humbly request everyone again to kindly coordinate with us and not try to spoil our memorable big day”. Well, Shaheen Shah Afridi was happy on his Nikah. He thanked Allah for his blessing upon him in the shape of a beautiful partner. Shaheen Shah Afridi writes, “Alhumdulillah, Almighty has been very kind and generous. May we always remain as a garment to each other.” He thanked his fans too, “Thank you everyone for the well wishes and making our special day even better. Remember us in your special prayers.”