
Saheefa Jabbar Khattak Highlights The Importance Of Understanding Quran

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak Highlights The Importance Of Understanding Quran

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak started her career with modelling and she became a star very early on due to her strong presence of mind and the way she stood up for her opinions. Saheefa Jabbar Khattak later switched towards acting and she was on a break as she was not satisfied with the scripts she was getting. She is back towards acting and appeared on FHM podcast to speak about her career and experiences.

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak Highlights The Importance Of Understanding Quran

Saheefa had an interesting take on children’s education and how we do not really learn the Quran properly. She said that we only wrap the Quran in the Ghilaf and never truly understand the true teachings. She also emphasized on how our children are not learning religious teachings properly and schooling is not the only important thing.

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak Highlights The Importance Of Understanding Quran

She advised that children should not be sent to school till the age of 9 or 10. They should be taught the Quran instead with Tafseer and detail and this will be a great addition to their lives.

Saheefa Jabbar Khattak Highlights The Importance Of Understanding Quran

This is what she said:


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