
Nimra Khan On Showing Fake Happiness On Instagram

Nimra Khan is an actress who has been very open about her life and she has always shared her experiences with the world. From facing abuse to her divorce, her accident to the recent lawlessness she faced, she does not shy away from calling a spade a spade. The actress was a guest on Gup Sab and spoke about fake social media.

Nimra Khan On Showing Fake Happiness On Instagram

Nimra Khan shared that generally people share happy things on social media while they are going through something really painful as no one is really interested in that pain. She added it also proves to be a distraction from what is going on in actual life. She has done that herself at times and used it as a distraction while she was in the denial phase.

Nimra Khan On Showing Fake Happiness On Instagram

This is what she said:

She also spoke about why she put on a video while she was attacked in Karachi recently. She said that there were people who were trying to ridicule her but she also got messages from girls who had went through something similar and she was able to help them financially, emotionally and legally thus she is happy that she raised her voice.

Nimra Khan On Showing Fake Happiness On Instagram

Here is what Nimra Khan said:


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