
Nadia Afgan Shares Advantages Of Not Living With In Laws

Nadia Afgan Shares Advantages Of Not Living With In Laws

Nadia Afgan is a star who is bold, talented, confident and blunt. She shines on screens and she says whatever she feels is right off the screens. Nadia has also been very open about her personal struggles and she has shared her life experineces with the world from her marriage to dealing with her father’s illness as well as fertility issues.

Nadia Afgan Shares Advantages Of Not Living With In Laws

Nadia was a guest on Wasi Shah’s show and she spoke about importance of space in a marriage. She said that you should give your spouse some space. They could spend time with a book or just relax by themselves, so don’t suffocate them. She shared that her husband loves to play games and she always supports him and this is how it should be between a couple.

Nadia Afgan Shares Advantages Of Not Living With In Laws

This is what she shared:

She also spoke about living away from her in-laws. She said that she is not against joint families as they provide a support system but living separately is way better. You do not fight and should demarcate boundaries within the family so there is love, respect and harmony.

Nadia Afgan Shares Advantages Of Not Living With In Laws

Here is what she said:


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