
Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Now a days, a sensitive and heart wrenching case of Dua Zehra has made a lot of waves on social media. Pakistanis are concerned about the safe return of Dua Zehra to her parents. The court’s proceedings are underway. The case made waves on social media two months ago, when in a sad event, it came to light that Dua Zehra, a 14 years old, left home and got reportedly married to a guy Zaheer. Her parents filed case in SHC and urged Shehla Raza to intervene in the case. Public also took intetest and many people prayed for her safe return. Her parents strove to reach out to their daughter after her marriage, finally, after a lot of efforts, Sindh High court summoned Dua Zehra and her parents to the court. Her parents were excited to meet her but unfortunately they couldn’t meet. Two days ago, their daughter clearly refused to meet and see them.

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

From today’s court proceedings, emotional and heart wrenching videos of Dua Zehra’s mother have been making headlines on social media. Previously, the fake medical reports of Dua Zehra were also brought to the court which were denied by parents. In today’s proceedings, it is said that Dua Zehra was about to confess in the court room when they just took her back from the court room after which her mother got emotional, she got fainted outside the courtroom while crying for her daughter. She also claimed that Dua Zehra has said that she wants to go home. Parents claimed that the court and police didn’t take Dua’s statement. They said that they gave her confidence and she was not scared to give her statement but they took her out of the court . The parents cried and urged for help in this regard. Here are all the videos.

Public is deeply concerned on this case and taking interest. They are watching each and every video after latest hearings and proceedings. Public is praying for the safe return of Dua Zehra after claims of her parents that she wanted to confess but was taken out of the court room. A few people passed negative comments on Dua but majority prayed for her. Here are all the comments.

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh

Most Emotional Moments From Dua Zehra Case in Sindh


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