
Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

Javeria is a skilled Pakistani television and film actress who is in the industry since 2006. The acting runs in her genes because of being born in an artistic family. Though Javeria always appears in supporting roles yet she has a strong screen appearance and impresses everyone with her acting.

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

Javeria Abbasi in her recent interview with “Fuchsia Magazine” opened up about the miserable accident she faced.

“We were shooting drama serial ‘Dil Diya Dahleez’, during the shoot we had an accident which broke my 12 bones. I survived there without any medication for 8 hours, with 12 broken bones, bleeding head and chin. My right side was totally fractured. I was moved to Karachi’s hospital from a highway through a truck.”, says Javeria.

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

Javeria further added that “They took me to Jinnah Hospital but there were no proper facilities so they shifted me to another hospital and after 8 hours I was medicated properly. Faysal Qureshi, Humayun Saeed and every other fellow actor visited me even the guard in our studio also came to meet me.”

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident

“Faysal Qureshi is such a gentleman. My blood group is ‘O-negative’ and as everyone knows that O-negative blood is rare to find and at that moment we needed the blood in emergency. So Faysal Qureshi’s blood group matched to my blood group and he donated his blood. I’m really thankful to him”, added Javeria.

Javeria Abbasi Opens Up About Her Miserable Accident


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