
Javed Sheikh Questions People Who Perform Hajj With Haram Income

Today is the blessed day of Arafat. Performing Hajj is obligatory for every affording Muslim once in a life time. Every Muslim all over the world wishes to perform Hajj at least once in their life time but many don’t get the chance as it is only by the invitation of Allah SWT.

Javed Sheikh Questions People Who Perform Hajj With Haram Income

Nida Yasir invited celebrities who have performed either Hajj or Umrah as well as an Islamic scholar and discussed different aspects of performing Hajj. Javed Sheikh was a guest on the show and he shared that he has performed Umrah three times and he plans to go for Hajj next year God-willing. He asked a very important question that many people in the world have when they see visibly corrupt people going for Hajj with Haram income.

Javed Sheikh Questions People Who Perform Hajj With Haram Income

He asked the scholar if that Hajj performed with Haram income is accepted. The scholar replied that Allah is all forgiving and in case anyone wants to repent and gives back the looted wealth and goes for Hajj with clean money their Hajj will be accepted but the first clause is that Hajj should be performed with Halal income. Thus, going to Hajj using Haram income would not serve the purpose.

Javed Sheikh Questions People Who Perform Hajj With Haram Income

Here is what the scholar shared:


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