Imran Abbas is a handsome and talented Pakistani actor who also boosts highest Instagram following among the male lead actors. His notable dramas are Meri Zaat Zarra E Be Nishan, Aaghosh, Khuda Aur Mohabbat 1, 2, Tumhare Husn Ke Naam, Mera Naam Yousaf Hai, Muhabbat Tum Se Nafrat Hai, Noor Ul Ain, Tum Kon Piya, Koi Chaand Rakh and Noor Ul Ain. Imran Abbas is a vocal Pakistani celebrity who always raises voice on the issues involving his colleagues and friends.
Lately, the actor has opened up about defaming culture that has been started after the rise in the digital media platforms. He recently called out big names for dragging actors or celebrities’ past in their public discussions.
A few days ago, Nasir Adeeb shared few unknown facts about former actor Reema Khan in his podcast with a new channel. Here is the link to the clip where Nasir Adeeb shared details about Reema:
Reema Khan and Imran Abbas share an amazing friendship and a strong bond. The two always support each other through thick and thin.