Iftikhar Thakur Draws Connection Between Divorces And Attached Bathrooms

Iftikhar Thakur Draws Connection Between Divorces And Attached Bathrooms

Iftikhar Thakur is a famous actor, host, theatre artist and philanthropist. He also works a lot to spread the teachings of Islam and he is knwon to be a very well-read person. He was a guest on Hafiz Ahmed’s podcast and spoke about his journey on Hajj, spirituality and how artists have transitioned from theatre to television.

Iftikhar Thakur Draws Connection Between Divorces And Attached Bathrooms

Iftikhar Thaknur drew a connection between attached bathrooms and increased rate of divorces. He said that if we take a look at the older times, the divorce rates were less and now as the house architecture has changed and bathrooms have come inside the rooms, fights and divorces have increased.

Iftikhar Thakur Draws Connection Between Divorces And Attached Bathrooms

He said that due to the filth that comes inside with the bathrooms and the lack of purity, bad karma gets attached to the families and therefore divorce rates have increased. He said that in old times, we used to have toilets outside the house and there was a lot more harmony.

Iftikhar Thakur Draws Connection Between Divorces And Attached Bathrooms

This is what he said: