
How Nadia Jamil Found Strength To Fight Cancer And Child Exploitation

Nadia Jamil is hands down an icon. In the world of showbiz, where importance lies with glitz, glamour and how showy you can be, it is a privilege to have a celebrity like Nadia Jamil who is always standing for what is right, who calls out the oppressors in and out of the country without thinking of the consequences. She is an angel for many underprivileged kids as she has done a lot for their welfare.

How Nadia Jamil Found Strength To Fight Cancer And Child Exploitation

Nadia Jamil has fought many battles in her life. She was diagnosed with cancer and she had to go through a painful bout of treatments which she took like a champ. She lost her hair but there was always a smile and strength on her face. While she was a guest on Mazaq Raat, she was asked how she was able to fight cancer, epilepsy and vertigo with such bravery.

How Nadia Jamil Found Strength To Fight Cancer And Child Exploitation

She shared that she used to get scared, she used to cry but she always believed in Allah’s promise that there is ease with every difficulty and that is what helped her get through everything. This is what she shared:

She has worked a lot for underprivileged children. We have seen Nadia raising her voice for kids in bonded labour or child labour and she has also fostered and adopted kids. She is always seen encouraging other celebrities to lend their voice for the children’s cause and she shared how she get motivated to do such a difficult task.

How Nadia Jamil Found Strength To Fight Cancer And Child Exploitation

She said that she thinks this is her true path in life and she thinks of those children as they are her own and that is what keeps her going.

How Nadia Jamil Found Strength To Fight Cancer And Child Exploitation

Here is what she shared:


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