
Hina Bayat On Increased Divorces

Hina Bayat Khawaja is one of the most loved and versatile artists of Pakistan. She is well-respected and people give weight to her opinions and statements. She has done great work in her career and she has always been very open about her life experiences and pain she has seen. She had a beautiful marriage with her husband Roger Bayat who passed away not too long ago due to cancer.

Hina Bayat On Increased Divorces

Hina Bayat was a guest on FHM Pakistan and she spoke about the increased divorces and breakups in society. Due to her social issue based show, Hina has seen the world deeply. She herself had a very supportive husband and she managed to have a beautiful relationship with her in-laws thus she gave her insight on increasing divorces nowadays.

Hina Bayat On Increased Divorces

Hina Bayat said that our tolerance levels have decreased collectively. Men and women are both now less tolerant than in the past. She added that women in the past used to tolerate a lot of abuse and that was considered normal. Now they are taking a stand for themselves and don’t put up with physical or emotional abuse. However, both men and women need to work on their relationships. If not anything extreme, they need to try and manage their expectations and make marriages work.

Hina Bayat On Increased Divorces

This is what she said:


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