
Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi is a popular actor who has left acting and turned to Islam. Often times, Hamza discusses Islam with his teacher and guide Javed Ghamdi on his YouTube Channel.

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Although, the actor remains calm about his latest change but he often posts Hadith and Quranic versus on his Twitter. Recently, he has posted his opinion on his Instagram and Twitter which says, “I believe Jesus PBUH has died and there is no second coming of him or any Imam Mehdi”, he further said that he believes in finality of Prophet Muhammad SalAllaho Alaihey Wa’aliyehi Wassalam.

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

He also said that the Islam he believes in has no divinely ordained worldly punishment for mocking, insulting of God, Islam or any Prophet of God (PBUH). Here is his tweet and Instagram post.

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

After going through the note public urged him to read Quran and its meaning in true sense and don’t follow the scholars whose beliefs are contradictory. One fan said, “Respected Hamza bhai, It’s a humble request. Read and understand Quran and sunnah from its real sources. Ghamdhi sb is a man of logic but his aqeedah is not correct … for the sake of Allah swt plz pray to Allah swt that to guides you towards sirat e mustaqeem…”

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Another fan urged to Hamza, “Hamza, I have a great deal of respect for you but a lot of the things you have said in this post are very problematic if we look at them through authentic Islamic sources. Please do your due diligence and enquire from other Islamic scholars”.

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Fans were really concerned about him and requested him to learn about Islam through Quran and they also requested him to keep visiting more than one teacher and choose authentic teachers. They shared Quranic Versus about Hazrat Issa (A,S) too so the the actor goes through them, however, Hamza Ali Abbasi said that people would not be okay with his opinion. The twitter was trending with “Shame On You Hamza Ali Abbasi”. Here are a few Tweets in which fans urged him to learn translation of Quran.

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements

Hamza Ali Abbasi Gets Criticized After Recent Statements


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