
Hamna Runs for Education in Pakistan

By Ayesha Majeed

Humna’s representation in New York Marathon is not just a physical grueling act, it has a commendable motive behind

It is a very common research that fathers generally have as much or more influence on many aspects of a daughter’s life as compared to the mothers. In most cases how “he approaches his own  life will serve as an example for his daughter to build off of in her own life ,even if she chooses a different view of the world”.

This humble attempt to write about Hamna Zubair is kind of a tribute to the love of a daughter for her father and to wish her best of luck as she’s honoring her late father Mr Zarar Rahim Zubair by taking part and representing Pakistan in New York Marathon to be held on 1st November 2015.


Hamna Zubair is a young Pakistani writer and journalist from Karachi and now is working as an editorial assistant at Elyse Cheney Literary Associates Newyork. She did masters in creative writing from New School University, New York with Fulbright scholarship. Her father spent over 30 years imparting management skills to fresh graduates and mid-career professionals as Director of the Pakistan Institute of Management, and most recently was the President of the Textile Institute of Pakistan.

A full time educationist with a passion for running also, as Hamna relates. After the sad demise of her father a year ago Hamna decided to work really hard to continue the indelible memory of her father in a positive way. To honor her late father there was no other gracious gift than to blend together two of his dearest passions. As she said: “My intention is to combine two of my father’s great loves: running and education … and to use one to further the other”.

Her “running” is not just a physical grueling act, it has a commendable motive behind.  She decided to represent Pakistan in NEW YORK MARATHON to create awareness and to encourage people to get involved in fund raising effort for The Citizen’s Foundation, Pakistan. A leading non-profit organization in the field of formal education which is doing a remarkable job to provide formal education to the underprivileged, “education- deprived” children.

IMG-20151030-WA0001The noble cause “must be”  supported by everyone in and outside Pakistan as the proceeds will be used to fund TCF school in need for an entire academic year. This will facilitate almost 200 students to be able to continue their education this year.  As per  2015 report, (received data) TCF has established 1060 purpose-built school units nationwide with an enrollment of 165,000 students 8900 serving teachers and  is recognized internationally, with chapters across the globe.

At TCF some of the poor students are provided 95% scholarship and as a result many get quality education by paying only 10 rupees per month. Uniforms and books are also given on the installment basis. With the help of donations the low-income background students are facilitated by the organization to attend top universities around the globe, transforming their lives and making the dreams of decent living come true. By educating the minds, TCF is helping the entire community to help alleviate poverty as there is no doubt that illiteracy is the root cause of poverty.

We all must join Hamna as she is running 26 miles in New York Marathon to raise money for education in Pakistan. She request to donate money in the loving memory of a loved one and do at least “something” to help others! As I once read somewhere which really inspired me that : “Gracious giving requires no special talent or large amount of money…..chances of heroic giving are rare, yet every day there are opportunities to give part of you to someone who needs it”.

So come forward just click a link: http//:www.indiego.com/projects/humna-runs-for-tcf#/

Choose the amount you wish to pay by credit/debit card. For queries use http//: www.tcf.org.pk


The writer is an educationist and artist from Lahore. She can be reached at [email protected]


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