
Firdous Ashiq Awan Unseen Family Pictures

Politicians in Pakistan have always been considered out of reach. They look like a different species to the outside world and people never look at them through a lens that they would use for any other common person. Moreover, politicians like Firdous Ashiq Awan look larger than life. She is a bold and outspoken woman and not only women colleagues but male colleagues of hers are also intimidated by her presence. She is a doctor by education but politics and philanthropy are where her heart was at and she has done it with full zeal and enthusiasm throughout her long career.

Firdous Ashiq Awan has never really projected her family in front of people but she came as a guest on Nida Yasir’s Shan e Suhoor and we got to see a very different side of her. She was very candid about her family and shared how she has moved up in her career despite many obstacles and pressures. Firdous Ashiq Awan also shared pictures of her siblings and her only daughter. Her daughter is also following in her footsteps, and she has also joined a medical college and will be a doctor in three years. Her are some unseen pictures of Firdous Ashiq Awan’s family and she looks so different from the typical talk show persona. Check out:

Listen to Firdous Ashiq Awan introducing her daughter and family:


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