Bushra Ansari’s Mother Passed Away

There is no need to introduce Bushra Ansari. She is a living legend who has dedicated her life to the Pakistani entertainment business. She has made Pakistan proud wherever she has gone to represent it and has provided many priceless moments for the country. She is the offspring of renowned author and journalist Ahmed Bashir, who will always be well-known in Pakistan. Her sisters have all worked in the field and become well-known. Sumbul Shahid, Se’s sister, passed away from Covid last year. Sumbul was too young to go, so it came as a tremendous shock to the family.

Prior to that, her mother had been ill and had been very critical. Mehmooda Bashir, the mother of such gifted daughters, has now died away, leaving many weeping eyes in her wake. On her Instagram, Bushra Ansari posted the sad news along with some heartwarming memories of her mother.

She shared that her mother is now with her beloved sister:

Family, friends, and admirers of Bushra Ansari and Asma Abbas have been posting condolences and prayers for the deceased on social media:

May Allah bless her with highest ranks in Jannah and pacify the people left behind!


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