
Behroze Sabzwari Criticizes Chand Tara’s Storyline

Eid dramas this season were not as popular as they are generally every year and they did not manage to gain as high ratings or views as they did in the last few years. Danish Taimoor and Ayeza Khan starer Chand Tara was marketed heavily and the drama had the potential to gain Suno Chanda like ratings due to e big lead pair but it failed to do so as the audience was not too impressed with the storyline and looks like Behroze Sabzwari who plays Mir Jaffar aka Tara’s father is also not a huge fan.

Behroze Sabzwari Criticizes Chand Tara's Storyline

Behroz Sabzwari shared his opinion on Fuchsia magazine. He shared that he did not understand why his character’s name was Mir Jaffar given the current scenario in the country. He said that he does not think that the name was a good choice.

Behroze Sabzwari Criticizes Chand Tara's Storyline

Here is his opinion:

He was also very open about the message of the drama not being really great. He said that he did not have the full script when he was cast and thus did not know how it will turn out. Though he is a family man and he is always talking about valuing your family and traditions but he does not agree with the message of Chand Tara. Behroze Sabzwari said that the kind of rush and the overpopulated household was being promoted through Chand Tara do not really represent joint family values.

Behroze Sabzwari Criticizes Chand Tara's Storyline

Here is what he said:

He again reiterated that it is not even comedy that is being shown but is just a janjalpura being portrayed:


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