
Badshah About His Friendship with Hania Aamir

Hania Aamir and Badshah often make headlines due to their friendship. Both the artists are equally popular in India and Pakistan. Hania Aamir is Pakistan’s most followed actress with 16.2 million Instagram followers. Badshah is also one of the best Indian Rappers with huge followers. The two often meet in Dubai and also shared pictures or Instagram reel. The stunning actress recently attended Badshah’s concert as well.

Badshah About His Friendship with Hania Aamir

Recently, Badshah talked about Hania Aamir. In a video shared by Indian channel Good News Today, Badshah talked about his camaraderie with the Pakistani actress. The show was hosted by popular Indian host Vikrant Gupta.

Badshah About His Friendship with Hania Aamir

Badshah About His Friendship with Hania Aamir

Talking about friendship with Hania, Badshah said, “Yes, we are very good friends. We have a great connection. We always have fun together whenever we meet; there is nothing more than that she is happy in her life; I am happy in my life. What can I say to you about her knowledge regarding me? We are quite good friends, so if she knows me well, it is because of our equation, may be”. Here is the link to the video:


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