Adorable Clicks Of Nida Yasir & Yasir Nawaz From London

Adorable Clicks Of Nida Yasir & Yasir Nawaz From London…

Yasir Nawaz and Nida Yasir are two endearing Pakistani superstars who adore exploring new places. The pair is at the moment in the United Kingdom taking a vacation. Yasir Nawaz and Nida Yasir first travelled to Nottingham, where they took in the city’s sights.

Nida and Yasir explored the lovely city of London after seeing Nottingham. They explored all of London’s picturesque locations and bridges. Baalaj, their son, was also present. Yasir and Nida had a great time in London. Both of them interacted with Londoners there. Yasir and Nida gave an overview of each region they visited in London. Here are some images we pulled for you from their most recent London-based Vlog:

Here is their detailed vlog about London. Have a look at the video shared by the couple:


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