NCOC Reports an Alarming COVID-19 Positivity Rate in Abbottabad

NCOC Reports an Alarming COVID-19 Positivity Rate in Abbottabad

The latest update from the National Command and Operations Center (NCOC) has revealed the highest positivity rate of COVID-19 contractions in Abbottabad. As per details, Abbottabad has recorded a 40.3 percent positivity rate, followed by Hyderabad (22 percent) and Karachi (12.54 percent).


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The following numeric breakdown reveals the positivity rate in various federated units, as released by the NCOC:

COVID cases | ProPakistani

The NCOC report also gave the following statistics:

  • Lahore: 5.8%
  • Rawalpindi: 7.36%
  • Faisalabad: 5.47%
  • Multan: 5.47%
  • Quetta: 8.26%
  • Mirpur: 8.96%
  • Karachi: 12.54%
  • Hyderabad: 20%
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
  • Peshawar: 4.03%
  • Abbottabad: 40.32%
  • Swat: 4.61%

Gilgit-Baltistan recorded only a 1 percent positivity ratio.


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COVID-19 has created a persistent global health crisis and is the greatest challenge that the world has undergone since WWII.

Since its emergence in Asia in late 2019, the coronavirus has been spreading and evolving undeterred beyond comprehension. Statistics show that its pandemic has been moving like a wave and not many have been fortunate enough to escape it.

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