Zahid Ahmed Talking About His Wife And Kids

Zahid Ahmed Talking About His Wife And Kids


The famous Zahid Ahmed is not only a triumphant actor but he is also a fortunate husband. He got married to a gorgeous girl and is father of two sons.

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In a recent interview while talking about his family Zahid Ahmed shared different aspects of his life. That how his wife deals with his female fandom. How they are raising their children.

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When the host asked Zahid Ahmed: ” Have you ever done acting with your wife?”

He replied: “You can never do acting in front of your wife, you will get caught immediately”

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“Won’t she gets jealous of your female following? When girls come to take selfies with you?” asked the host.

“No she she gives me the space, she has a big heart or my be she doesn’t concern herself for this, because if she start doing it, she might stress out. But because its been a while know so she has dealt with it.

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Talking about his wife he said: “Alhumdulilah I have a gorgeous wife, she is tall, she is beautiful, she is successful, very enterprising; she has started her own business. She is software engineer from a very reputable school so she is a very empowered woman and I also like to give her that freedom that space that trust, our trust has been through so many stages that now we are settled with each other.I can go to any extent for her and she will do the same.

Talking about his children he said: “I have two boys. Because I believe in a life which is happy and full of love. We are dealing our children with much love an understanding.

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